Kunze kweBaseball Hats, Heti Heti, Snapback Hat, Beanies inosimudzira mhando kana kufadza timu, zvipo zvakapenya zvinopawo tsika dzakakwiriraHondo dzehondo & CAPSVakakwana kune mauto, marongero emauto, mauto emhepo, veterans, masangano emunharaunda akashata, masangano emapa emutemo, madhipatimendi emoto uye vanofarira. Isu tinopa huwandu hwakawanda hwemapundu evarume nevakadzi vakagadzirwa mukuteerera. Yakagadzirwa neCamouflage machira mu 65% Polyester & 35% Cotton, 100% Cotton, 95% mvere + 5% nylon beret uye zvimwe.
Iwo maCaped ane mapundu anowanikwa mune yakakwirira & yakaderera profiti masitayi, visor masitayi. Kazhinji mune dzakasiyana camoouflage mavara, akaremara, anotonhorera uye anochinja zvinhu. Aya maheti ane patsva akagadzikana kupfeka uye achashandisa zvisina kuoma kushandiswa. Ivo vanozivikanwa nekutsvaira kwavo kwakanaka kwazvo kwekunyora zvivakwa kuti isu tishandise iyo 100% cotton sweat band chikamu. Kune akasiyana ane hats seti shanu pane imwe chete, 6panel, zvakare mauto emwana kumwana. Gadzirisa kumberi neiyo logo, dhizaini, kana mavara angangove nekukwira kumusoro embroidery, silkscreen kudhinda nekudhinda kudhinda. Pre Curved Sandwich Bill, yakakwenenzverwa mhepo yezvibereko, hook uye loop inogadzirisa kuvharwa uye zvimwe zvinhu zvakakosha zvinopa heti dzedu dzinogadzirirwa kuzadzisa zvese zvaunoda uye zvimwe.
Birere redu rinowanzoitwa mune mvere dzemakungwa rakareruka Zvese zvezvinhu izvi hazvingopa chete chirwere cheuto, asiwo mune akasiyana mavara kuti afananidze chero maitiro. Zvitadzo zvedu zvakanakira zvehondo zvinoshandiswa nemauto, makambani ekuchengetedza, mabhendi anofora uye zvimwe.
Yakagadzwa muTaiwan kubva 1984, fekitori yedu inopa huwandu hwakazara uye hwakarongeka hweCAPS with international premium quality fabrics & yarns which are AZO free. Our dexterous workers ensure all the custom caps are stitched with advanced and modern designing techniques according to the predefined industry standards of quality. Owing to the contribution of all the teams, our hats are high in demand among our prestigious clients. We take pride in our wide selection of military hats that represent all branches of the military. Please feel free to contact us at sales@sjjgifts.com to custom your cap design.
Kutumira Nguva: Dec-16-2022