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Pasi rese, mapurisa anotora njodzi uye anoisa hupenyu hwavo kuchengetedza nekushandira nharaunda mazuva ese.Mukudzoka, ingave nzira yakanaka yekupemberera Zuva reMapurisa Renyika Dzepasi Pose nekuvapa kana kuvapa chipo chinotyisa kuita kuti mapurisa azive kuti tinoyemurwa sei nekushanda nesimba kwavo kuchengetedza nharaunda.Kana kuti kwete chete National Police Day asi chero zuva.Hauna mazano ekupemberera?Uye unoda kutsvaga chipo chakakosha chezvidhori zvako zvehondo?


Pretty Shiny Gifts inopa zvakasiyana siyana zvezvigadzirwa zvehondoizvo zvakakodzerwa nevakuru vezvemitemo kana magamba ari kumashure, kusanganisira mabheji emapurisa, mabheji emukuru,denha mari, chibatiso chebheji & chikwama, zvigamba zvinorukwa, zvigamba zvakarukwa, mabhatani echiuto, mabhandi mabhandi, dehwe kiyi fob,custom keychain, mari clip, tie bar, cufflink, name plate, epaulet, imbwa tag nezvimwe.Uye hongu, chiratidzo chidiki uye chinoyevedza chingave chipo chakanakisa kumupurisa anozokudza basa ravo, zvisinei kuti vanongopedza kudzidza kubva kuchikoro chemapurisa kana murwi akasiya basa.


Our factory is integrating from artwork drawing, mold making, stamping or die casting, plating, coloring, attachment soldering and logistics. Different kinds of material, sizes, shapes, plating, accessories as well as packages are available. Don’t worry about the processes or finishes, our well-trained sales representative shall give you the best recommendation after receiving your specific requirement and draft designs. Our high quality finished products have won the favor and praise of customers and sell well worldwide. These personalized souvenirs shall definitely make them feel special, in the memory of honor and much, much more. Should you want more product information, please feel free to contact us at sales@sjjgifts.com. After receiving your detailed requirements, we are happy to provide you with samples or quality reference. Hope that we can cooperate together in the near future.


Nguva yekutumira: Jan-06-2022